NO ONE CAN DEFLECT THE EMERALD SPLASH! 16. Share. Report Save. level 1. 2 years ago. Jotaro's the bomb that destroys the tank. 6. Share. Report Save. 20 METER EMERALD SPLASH dies (In a faint voice) no one... can just deflect the emerald splash... 2. Share. Report Save. level 1. 2 years ago. The song that go with the memes. 1. Share"No one can just deflect the emerald splash!" Hierophant Green (ハイエロファントグリーン(法皇の緑) Haierofanto Gurīn) Controls: (E) Hierophant Green: Emerald Splash . Holding or pressing E causes your stand to charge up a strange mist in their hands. Releasing the button causes about 6 shotgun-like pellets to release fromSurely no one could just deflect the emerald splash.....Kakyoin Noriaki is a known protagonist from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders. His stand, Hierophant Green's most known move, Emerald Splash has been a very known trend around Reddit, where Kakyoin says "No one can just deflect the Emerald Splash!" but it was deflected easily.NO ONE CAN DEFLECT THE EMERALD SPLASH - "/a/ - Anime & Manga" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of Japanese animation and manga.
Hierophant Green on Project JoJo - Trello
No one can just deflect the Emerald Splash If you think you can deflect the Emerald Splash you are dead fucking wrong! I've used my stand Haierofanto Gurinfor many fucking years and for you to sit there and act like you just DEFLECT MY EMERALD SPLASH is an insult!No one can just deflect the Emerald Splash! Close. 833. Posted by. Joseph Johnston. 1 year ago. Archived. No one can just deflect the Emerald Splash! 11 comments. share. save. hide. report. 99% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by. best. level 1.If I recall, only Star Platinum and The World can actually DEFLECT Emerald Splash by punching away each individual emerald. It's just that Emerald Splash is also insanely easy to DODGE as well. Still an ineffective move, but that line of dialogue makes a little more sense than people give it credit for. Could be misremembering though.Emerald Splash One of Hierophant Green 's most well-known attacks that no-one can deflect, but everyone can dodge. There is a variation called the 20 Meter Radius Emerald Splash which is only used once. "My final....Emerald's a message......please understand, Mr. Joestar....please understand..."

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 3 - Stardust Crusaders "No one can just deflect the Emerald Splash!"-Noriaki Kakyoin 1 Overview 2 Skills 3 Tips, Combos, and Glitches 3.1 Boxing Combo: 3.2 Hamon Combo (charge Hamon): 3.3 Spin Combo: 3.4 Vampire Combo: 3.5 Pluck Combo: 4 Trivia Hierophant Green is the stand of Noriaki Kakyoin, one of the Stardust Crusaders within Part 3. Hierophant Green is a* No one can just deflect the Emerald Splash! * Now, it's time for your punishment, baby. ----- kakyoin trousle baby does not refer to death 13 in this context i tried a more "relaxed" backing guitar this takes heavy inspiration from virtuous pope rero rero rero as the name stemmed from a joke in a dmno one can just deflect the emerald splashNo one can just deflect the Emerald Splash!" - Noriaki Kakyoin Info. Hierophant Green (ハイエロファントグリーン(法皇の緑) Haierofanto Gurīn) is the Stand of Noriaki Kakyoin, featured in Stardust Crusaders. Hierophant Green is an elastic and remote Stand, capable of being deployed far away from its user and performingNo OnE cAn JuSt DeFlEcT tHe EmErAlD sPlAsH (edited by NoobYtLolz) Noriaki Kakyoin. 2. 13. VIEW OLDER REPLIES. 0. UniasLolian · 8/21/2020. You can deflect the emerald splash but at the same time you can't.ITS IMPOSSIBLE (edited by UniasLolian) 0.
No One Can Deflect The Emerald Splash! | Can Meme On

Kakyoin Plash! No One Can Just Deflect The Em Almost Every Other Stand User *Deflects The Emerald Splash* Kakyoin Excuse Me What The Fuck No OnE CAn JuSt DeFlEcT THe EmErAlD SPlAsH! |

Can't Hear Can't Talk Can't Deflect The Emerald Splash - IFunny :) | Jojo Bizarre, Jojo Memes, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

XX_Abbacchio_XX | Memes

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Emerald Splash

No One Can Just Deflect Emerald Splash !" | /r/ShitPostCrusaders/ | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure | Jojo Bizarre, Jojo Bizzare Adventure, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

NO ONe CaN JUsT DEfLeCt ThE EMeRaLd SpLaSh!!!!11! | Can Meme On ME.ME

109 Best Emerald Splash Images On Pholder | Shit Post Crusaders, Jojos Bizarre Meme Page And Animemes

No One Can Just Deflect The Emerald Splash" - 9GAG

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Roblox Female Dio Brando (Page 1) -

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No One Can Just Deflect The Emerald Splash! No Human Being Could Possibly Reverse The Direction Of My Green Hued Projectiles No Individual Who Walks This Planet Earth Could Ever Possibly Manage

ResVeeF — -No One Can Deflect … _The Emerald Splash _

No One Can Just Deflect The Emerald Splash! : ShitPostCrusaders

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